I want To See This One


Hey it’s that guy that won the Iraqnam war!

Pass. A very oft putting story. Right up there with “The Rose”.

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Whaddabaout “Beaches”?

Why does Hollywood refuse to remake ‘Beau Geste’?

I suffered through that once. ONCE. Never again.

I watch movies for happy endings. Reality is shitty enough.
I don’t need that depressing crap in my entertainment.

Stay away from “threads”, then.

I thought Marty Feldman already made the last one.

I was reeling from a college breakup, and some lady friends decided to cheer me up with a movie. They took me to The Color Purple.


Annoying messages from the software btw.

I thought that was just a dream tho, like with Bobby Ewing.

I am thinking that Billdo probably thinks that this movie is total BS.:grin: