I went on a cruise

actually just got back from a short excursion to go celebrate a girlfriend’s birthday up further north in Sacramento. It was lovely overnight trip. Great time was had by all.

Had lunch on the Delta King built partly in Scotland and California to service a route between Sacramento and San Francisco back in the old days. https://www.deltaking.com/?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjq3LwdaC_wIVASmtBh1IuArREAAYASAAEgK80_D_BwE It was lovely. Food is solid, not fantastic. What’s good is the ambience. Then we got onto a boat for a river cruise on the Sacramento River.

One of the women invited us all to dinner at her home. More cocktails and lots of talking…8 women, what would anyone expect? Though, being the designated driver, I only had a glass of wine.

I only knew my friend, but met all these ladies and they were great, fun and engaging. We celebrated until about 10pm, then went back to my friend’s house and talked another 3 hours.

We’ve only kept in touch online and over the phone after she moved away, so it was terrific getting back together. It was like we picked up where we left off, except our children were no longer toddlers and we have a few greys in our hair now.

Now we’re both retired, past covid shutdowns and the like and will be seeing one another more often. Thinking of going on a roadtrip up to the PNW in August…

We’re also thinking of having a book club, only I’d probably participate remotely.