It's a real shitshow at the Capitol today

Calling a program Warp Speed does not mean it gets things there quickly. But then the GOP has always been more about labels and memes rather than substance…

Warp Speed* You are joking, yes?

Trumps warp core breached years ago, namean?

LR2, Chill out, the Trumper Troll doesn’t suit you.

If it don’t be for LR2 and Boro jerking the chain once in a while, the other four of us would never post.


The struggles is realz.


Remember the special forces guarding DC during a blm march?

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It must be soo embarrassing to be a Democrat today. :blush:

To know ones surprise, McConnell is about to vote to acquit the asshole who almost got him killed.

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And right after I posted that, I found that the Senate voted to call witnesses.

The plot thickens.

Republican Congressgirl from Vantucky Wa. Dropped a bombshell last night.

She will certainly be deposed, probably to testify.

Which will then put the screws on McCarty. Does he call her a liar, or does he substantiate her claims? In the latter case, that puts the heat directly back on Rump and his staff.

Rumps pathway to acquittal just got steeper, rockier, and narrower. The longer this goes on, the worse it will get for him.

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Meh, ain’t gonna matter. They are arguing he’s unelectable now, meaning “we ain’t gonna give him consequences”. So, Sen. Collins, has he “learned his lesson” yet? Has Congress set a precedent to deal with it the next time it inevitably happens?

The 245-year experiment is done.

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Watching van der phlegm make his final argument. I hope he’s getting a big paycheck to whore out his integrity like this.

That PODS never had an ounce of integrity. I don’t necessarily question how he passed the PA bar exam (considering BD6) but it’s hard to imagine how he made a living at it if that’s his best look.

High Profile cases are a Criminal/Tort Lawyers wetdream, a guy like Van Der Veen would kill to get that publicity. and possibly offer services pro bono…I am pretty sure the Senate GOP Caucus just assured trump that ‘any ambulance chaser’ will do Don, we got your back’

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It’s official, the Republican Party is not interested in assigning consequences to acts of sedition.

Like I said above, our 245-year experiment has ended.

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