Miss Nevada USA title won by transgender woman for the first time

Does anyone care what she thinks of me, if she even knew I existed?

Also, just because you got offended doesn’t mean I’m transphobic but okay lol… genitals kinda part of what determines if I’m gonna be attracted to someone. You started this lmao

No, you started this when you called her a man, saying men are better at everything. She’s a woman you dumb redneck piece of trash.

Then you brought up genitals.

How am I a dumb redneck piece of trash? Can you cite your sources on that?

YOU took the joke like a dick. YOU have been okay with racist jokes and supported said racist saying “it was just a joke” but I make a funny quip and suddenly I’m the devil. :joy: LMFAO! Stop being such a snowflake. And of course genitals was mentioned after you said I’d be gay if I didn’t wanna fuck her. For starters, there’s nothing wrong with being gay, you phobic fuck, and for two… I’m not attracted to males. Trans women who have not undergone surgery have male genitalia- which I am in no way attracted to. Not being attracted to someone is not phobic.

TL;DR you’re a snowflake, get lost.

You sound really insecure there…

^^^ She’s not a man you dumb redneck piece of white trash.

What’s insecure about a joke?

Why are you so offended?

My gender isn’t a joke for dipshit cis people. You’re a white trash redneck transphobe, I feel sorry for your family member.

Also nice meltdown lol… nice closet you live in. :slight_smile:

So you’re offended by the joke because you’re sensitive about your own gender? I never mentioned you.
Stop being a snowflake lmfao! Just say “your joke offended me” if you want me to delete it :slight_smile:

I haven’t had a meltdown, I’m not closeted nor am I transphobic… interesting how you keep assuming things which have ALL been wrong :joy::joy:

Transphobic jokes are transphobic jokes dumbass, there’s nothing not transphobic about it. It’s amazing how dumbass transphobic cis people will be transphobic right in front you and then claim you aren’t. Fuck off shitbag.

You’re calling me cis gendered like it’s a dirty word… :wink: you were cis gendered once, you know.

Weird how you’re offended by being called cis gendered, it’s an ancient Greek or Latin term I believe that means someone that feels normal in their gender they’re given at birth. You’re cis gendered… Would you prefer something else?

I was never cis gendered, I always felt very different than everyone else, I was always trans.

The more you type the more you come off as a dumb redneck. Have a great evening you transphobic piece of garbage Jethro bodean piece of shit… Oh I forgot you aren’t transphobic you just tell transphobic jokes… ha ha ha… Cletus…

How did you get that I’m offended by being called cisgendered?

I never acted like or said I was offended about it… YOU though, are acting like its a dirty word

And you’re still offended… that’s okay… :slight_smile:

You’re the one that was crying about me calling you cis gender, claiming it was a dirty word, not me Opey.

I think you need to reread it. I don’t see me bitching about being called cis gendered. I see myself saying YOU were acting like it was a dirty word.
Perhaps also take a chill pill cause you took this joke like a BBC and you CRYIN


I wasn’t saying it as a dirty word that’s how you took it mr sensitive. You’re the one that’s crying about it.

I’m not a racist I just make racist jokes right…

Sounds like you’re obsessed with dicks… but yeah you’re not gay either right. lol

You just keep going and going… :joy:
The joke worked.

You’re the joke… it wasn’t even anything original, you go to any facebook post of the article and there’s a hundred dumb transphobic redneck fucks like yourself with the same stupid comment. Go fuck yourself Jethro. Surprised you haven’t shot up a school yet.

Why would I, an individual who never gets bullied and doesn’t need medicine to medicine to be stable or change myself shoot up a school? Isn’t that a thing for people Ike you who have been bullied and medicated constantly?

From trans beauty queens to school shootings in fewer than three dozen posts.


I sense disunion.

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