My fellow Bass Players, we need to step up our game

If you like prog metal, watch some Dream Theater videos. All these guys are virtuosos, but the bassman shows almost zero emotion, like it’s his day job.

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As a kiddo I was a Stones guy, and that’s pretty much Bill Wyman on stage…he always looked like he couldn’t wait to get off stage to get the best pick of groupies. (as per his autobio, he was the master Cocksman of the group)

Did someone say bass?

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Yoyo only lives once.

I tried watching/listening to them once and went to sleep.

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Isn’t there already a thread for ‘Yo Yo Ma’ jokes?

I got friends that practically worship the ground they walk on. To me it’s almost monotonally loud/fast, they are all up and down the fretboards/keyboards/drums in prefect synchrony and seem to specialize in odd meters, but with a few exceptions it seems to lack melody or heart. I am impressed by their precision, tho…

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I know I hear people rave about them but I don’t see the appeal…