'Negative polls are fake news'

Just the one time I am allowed by law, Ragg, and as always - not for the status quo.

There, there, Darla

What points? We seem to agree that the routine and systemic ballot fraud by the vile and filthy Democrat Party should be investigated.

Me too. That’s why I voated for Trump. The “status quo” establishmentarians hate him so.

Why do you think that is?

Because he is a functionally illiterate buffoon?

Nice stealage of my verbiage – but the question is: why do you think the establishmentarians hate Trump so much … you know … the ones so thoroughly vested in the “status quo” that Holliday always voates against?

Because he’s an inexperienced, lying, ignorant, pussy grabbing, hate monger.

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No, that’s not it.

I’m pretty sure it is.

I didn’t see your name on any verbiage, sorry friend.

No. I think it has more to do with him not being beholden to the usual “interests,” if you know what I mean.

You mean like the foreign Bankers that he owes his soul to? Those kinds of

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I don’t see him not being beholden to interests. I see a man who is in WAY over his head who has surrounded himself with absolute morons who have no experience in the fields he is putting them in (aka his whole cabinet). Ignorance is not going to fix America.

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And the verifiable ones by cuckservatives also.


Of course you don’t, Darla, yet what else can explain why the entirety of the establishmentarian status quoers hate him?

Everyone hates him. He’s a lying, incompetent loser. Get it through your fat head.

I don’t hate him. See, I’m not a hater like so many libs are. Libs are just filled with hate, if you’ve never noticed before.

In truth, when The Donald first announced his candidacy, I thought it was a joke, a publicity stunt. I was a Cruze guy. But when I saw how the “establishment” reacted to him, I thought “what better way to fuck the status quo than to voate for this guy.”

So that’s what I did.

He can’t be any more of a fuck up than the last guy, and he certainly was far more preferable than the criminal in a pant suit.

Funny, when he announced he was running I said he was going to win.

Obama wasn’t terrible in the least. He made you guys look human.

Trump makes you look like complete fools.

Do you do like teh gays then.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

COMPLETE horseshit.

You don’t have to say that just because he’s a nog, you know.

Aside from that, Barry was utterly incompetent.

… says the most boring poaster here.