Non-Teflon Don The Convicted Felon

Do you really believe their numbers? :joy_cat:

I bet it turns out that their flood of donations after his conviction was just another lie. They lie about everything else why would they start telling the truthā€¦ This is just more of their wishful thinking just like when the Maga clowns were mumbling ā€œheā€™s going up in the polls nowā€ an hour after he was convicted and no polls had even been ran yet. :joy:

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You know who Trump is scammin the hardest? His clown followers lmfao


You mean that$60 Bible and the$300 gold kicks may not be worth it?


I think I will die before we see the end of the Trump era.

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Itā€™s funny. I feel the same way about the Obama era, three terms and going on a forth. :grin:

Do you always run on your feelings?


I said ā€œI thinkā€. Republicans are so very sensitiveā€¦ :crazy_face:

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