The Free Roose Opinion Poll Thread

My two cents: I like Roose, but his misogynist/racist troll was insufferable, and really disappointing in someone who seemed to be smarter than the drivel he reduced himself to posting. Such a disappointment.

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Sure. Just check yer PMs.


That was the troll, and he admitted as much.

…personally I would like to see him given his freedom to post, unless I missed something far more egregious that what I had seen.

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Being a disappointment was a troll? Gee. Wonder what kind of family he came from.

Well, it isn’t a reason to ban someone. The board would be a blank slate.

I remember when Farmer handed Oak over to Billdo. It was like Billdo was being given custody of her. Farmer must have laughed all the way home that day.


I’m pretty sure he banned him because he was sick of his racist threads. If I had a board, I would ban all racist and misogynist trolls. People need to step it up and be cleverer than that.

Some folks just never learned better. Personally, I never learned that stuff in the home of my upbringing, even though the community had some shitheads in it. I don’t know if you can take full credit for what you were modeled as a child. For others, and I think Oak is a good example, you may see people in outrage about what they say is racism but it’s really a projected rebellion against their own racist feelings. Roose may have taken a different tack and let his roam a little while trying to take a look at it. That may be very different than the way he is in his private life, but I agree, he is much brighter and was being a bit lazy of late. Still … banning?

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I’m biting my tongue now.

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Why? :roll_eyes:

I’m going to retract what I actually wrote and sit quietly.

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He’s trying not to adore you. :wink:

LMAO. Oh, don’t I know it.

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Midget, you are one cheeky monkey.

Yeah, he’s such NOT a troll.

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I was being polite :smiley:

Have you ever banned anyone?
Maybe Billdo can give you a few lessons in the use of the Banning Stick just in case…

I’ve banned many people in my years and years and years of modding and admining.

Bitch! :laughing: A Skill you are liable to need. Oh, and say Hi to
Tubby for me. :smiley:

Roose…Roose, if you are out there…if you read this, know that I tried. Granted I am no Shelton, but I gave it my all. It is times like this one realizes how truly fickle and uncaring the public is. And this ignominious end…One of the greats, a giant of the internets, deserved far better.
Fare well, my friend. You will be correctly remembered…

Here is a request at the top of the hour. This one goes out to Billdo from the forgiving…

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