Today's Funny: Steve Bannon in jail

H/T Marv Ross, I stole this right off his feed.

He sez, “Mexico payin’ for wall”… Cult say, “YAY!”… He sez, “I never meant they’re going to write out a check,” … Cult say, “Oh, ok… YAY!”… He sez, "In fact, YOU’RE paying for the wall with your fed tax dollars (that I don’t pay). Cult say, “You’re smarter than us!”… He sez, “Oops, someone (not me) miscalculated and I need $18 BILLION more for Wall… Cult say, “Where’s my checkbook, Honey?”… He sez, 'I hardly know my own campaign mngr, Steve Bannon” (busted for bilking $million in donations for Wall) Cult say, “Biden’s socialism will bankrupt us!” He sez, “BTW… next year, I also need $16 BILLION for my toy Space Force”… Cult say, “We have NO idea where that money’s going, but as long as we don’t get free health care… YAY!” (next up: “NRA needs your help!”…. Cult: "Tom Selleck says getting a reverse mortgage is 'EASY!!)

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This had me literally laughing out loud!

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Shame on the lot of you for suckering Canucks into becoming interested in American politics.

My so-called life will never be the same.

And pass the pepper spray.

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Pepper spray is a food product, essentially.

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Very spicy…

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Muy caliente

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Ay, ay, ay


Tell me you don’t see the can of spam face on that comic

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