Why does The Blue Cashew think that there's a competition with them from CBT?

I’m dead :rofl:


Am I lying? Where’s that pic of his thunder thighs?

Why did God make him shapely like a woman, why God, why?


Yanno, Apey…

You should go to the nearest discount store and buy you one of them pool noodles. Cut it strategically to a smaller size.
Put it at your crotch, get a pic and tell him to suck your noodle.

You may ask why. Well, because its funny, that’s why.


His lardassness isn’t even the worst part about him…

Trying enduring an emotionally retarded, socially inept weirdo with cleanliness and major decorative disorder with ghetto reflux for a 4+ day weekend.

I just barfed a little.


I didn’t post over there at all yesterday, but they still thought to post several paeans of praise for me today.

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What else would peons post?


I assume CBT, like BC, BF, and The Vancouver Forum, are considered part of the so-called community and thus must be discussed extensively on other forums. Have you considered that many of these trolls are like Scientologists, they will follow you around and check what you’re posting on various boards before reporting back to HQ. It dates back to when Third Rail was the main troll board and Flame Truth was always discussed…they also reposted FT posts on Stomping Grounds, so this is standard troll protocol.

Because the fighting boards have so few members now, it appears that they are more competitive for the limited member base…but as Erica Mena said, this isn’t a gang, people post wherever they want, but I will say that CBT and BC don’t have immature alphas who spam scat or porn. If you’ve ever wondered what it was like in Brawl Hall, just read some threads by the alpha males…same level of absolute stupidity. Hey…if BC adds a arcade, that may give them the edge in the troll board wars, yanno.


I think the alpha crowd have very very small dicks. Just sayin’


Sindy is posting about going camping

The people at TBC

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They’re very silly.

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Shit, even Wizer, that seems to have been simpatico with most of them is clowning them at BF for their spazz outs.

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He’s a big guy for a small guy, yanno?

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You would think that some of these people only have access to troll forums…it’s like the so called community is the only thing they experience on the internet, they seem unable to post anywhere else.


I’m sort of guilty of that. However, I read extensively online, on a daily basis. I also read books from free onlinse sources like Project Guttenburg and news aggregators and a lot on health since it is my professional field of interest.

The Game of Throne board wars have begun…spies are gathering intel on the various forums and reposting it back at HQ, anything you say can and will be reposted for dramatic effect and post count on other sites. One site has set up a Poisoned Penis Perimeter as a defensive measure, so I caution everyone to be on their guard.

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Oh my!

:rofl: :rofl:

I saw that PPP thread. I have to admit, some things I just can’t understand.

Weird is an understatement.

Damn what happened to that image?

terminator gif

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Where do these people find the time to be so lame day in and day out?

I linger like a bad rash because what else would they do with their day?!?! SMH