Wrong way to start up a chainsaw

Go back and read the edit.

I was joking…I guess I need a fucking font for that too

Because you haven’t figured it the fuck out that when I’m irritated, I CAPITALIZE words to make my points.

I tend to use punctuation, like exclamation points, when I’m being facetious, silly or otherwise trying to be humorous. But I guess I’m not known for having a sense of humor AT ALL

So, if you don’t mind…CRAWL BACK OUT OF MY ASS


oh, um, ha ha?

I’m sorry you would rather keep bickering. I really am. And that’s not about ME, “friend”.


I get your humor now!

Such anger.

I know what my problem is…what’s yours?

OMG. Everyone should know that! Wabbit, what is wrong with you?

The way that everything is nitpicked here, every word, expression, rec and snarky comment…yeah you think he would.

Yeah. Okay.

Hey, I’m new to this unique culture you two have created. Give me time to assimilate, bitchuists.

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I don’t like bitchuists…it doesn’t quite ring true to the form.
Try another one, ok?

Who two, pray tell?

Bitchuistas, then.

I’m not getting the U.

You got a lot of 'splaining to do, Lucy.

Trying to make it flow. Since I’m not female, I’m not good at that, either.



Oh, goody…a MENstrual joke.

So, anywho…the U - fail. Yeah, it just doesn’t work.

Bitchuistas it is, then.

The U doesn’t work.

If you want to call me a BITCH, get your balls from whatever lockbox they’re in, hang them back on and DO IT.

Bitchuist is funnier.

But that isn’t as funny. Besides, I’m including Lotus in it, I assume you noticed the plural usage. So nobody would feel left out. Try not to be jelless that I am treating you both the same, despite your need to monopolize my energies.

He’s talking about “you two”. I’m thinking you may be the other bitchuist, pendeja.