You know how we decide if a female teacher screwing a young kid deserves jail time -- so let's get to judging

Yer point

I am saying if a guy does a ten year old girl - he should prolly be fukin executed

If a female does an 11 year old she shud not spend 10 years in fucking jail

There is no gender bias when it comes to pedophilia.

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Sorry Duke but no dice. If a teacher fucked either my 10 year old son or 10 year old daughter, I’d want to murder them all the same for touching my babies!

I would tend to overlook this story if the boy was into high school. A male middle schooler might be “up for” getting seduced by an adult female, but it’s gonna fuck with his head all the same.

As for the boy’s parents being complicit, that needs some lookin into.

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but not biology. you cant fool mother nature.

maybe there should be.

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Your point being?

Worst thing that happened is she got pregnant, now this kid is going to be paying child support until he’s 32 or so… he’s really fucked now.

If the kid lives with him they could play jacks and sich

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And this is why we don’t allow 13 year olds to consent to sex.

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