A Life in Hashistan (Afghanistan)

Looks like a great documentary…






Speaking of that part of the world, I was thinking about growing a small patch of poppies in my back yard. I read up on it a bit and it seems incredibly simple and non-labor intensive. All they need is a little water and fertilizer. They are a rugged flower.

From this small patch I could make some opium gum for smoking.

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I know a guy on the tube that used to be a heroin addict years ago, he said in the spring time him, to save money, him and his buddy would walk around all day and scout out poppy patches in people’s yards/gardens, then go take them at night. They’d get like 50 bulbs and cook that shit down and I think he said they smoked it. I’ve heard of people making a poppy tea too.

I guess there’s a certain type of poppy that might produce more of the alkaloids you’re after but I think most have some good stuff in them.

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Watching this documentary, these guys are nuts…

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Yeah, most poppies have some of the alkaloids, but it’s a single type grown for high quality opiids like used in heroin production. The seeds are pretty easy to obtain. I don’t have the wherewithal, knowledge or desire to make heroin, but I have smoked opium in the past and it’s a nice relaxing buzz with little risk of addiction. It might even help with this chronic pain management.

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This is a great documentary about Afghanistan and not so much about hash, these guys basically became Afghanis and lived over there for many years it sounds like and went back many times including after 9-11.

I was looking for this thread, wanna finish watching that