Board will be closing after 10/31/2017

You’re such a tease!

Band playing, flag waving, she sank into the sea…

See - I knew it. You know, he’s such a troll
…and as I predicted
his period did NOT last the 10 days.
Therefore, I retract all previous statements re: Things related to the board closing.

Let’s dance - Please proceed to 38:09

if that doesn’t work

Scroll down to archive of 10/31 - open the popup player and then proceed to 38:09
WFMU: Brian Turner: Playlists and Archives
…although on second thought, I see Roose is still banned so…never mind.

So did you like the song? Who among you listened and tapped your foot to the catchy rhythm?

Six Eye Columbia - Casanova

I am not Roose, so I presumed the invite did not apply to me.

Yes - you can listen. It’s a great song, beautifully sung.

If you’re not going to the new board I can always be found here, as always. Music on Fridays


Yeah so remember these guise?

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Nice voice. The accent makes it kinda sweet.

Noon on Nov 1st - still taking posts?

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The answer is in this very thread, just before the PREVIOUS time you posted in here…

Okay - did anyone listen to the song? You think I go to all the trouble of seeking out and bringing you beautiful music just to have it ignored?

Oh sorry - that was just so yesterday.

If it’s too much trouble, stop doing it.

Oh but it isn’t too much trouble. Is it too much trouble to listen to a song? JUST LISTEN TO IT GOD DAMN IT!

I think your manic phase is in play today.

“…too much trouble…”?

Ooh, a semantics tr0all! Kewllio

“too much” - do you even understand the meaning of too? It means impossibly hard in this context. Obviously…I mean…obviously is wasn’t TOO hard, if I did it. (mumblesmantofthingsunderbreath smiley)

Still here

Billdo says he was too busy posting on the amazing yahoo boards to shut CBT down.