Fucking Walmart

You should go steal some more shit…

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Yes, and always go through that Cashiers line.

I was told yesterday by a former cop that technically it wasn’t stealing because I didn’t have the intent to thieve.

I wonder if that officer would have said the same thing had he been called to the store by security after they tackled you in the parking lot attempting to feel the scene?

Yeah, try telling that to the cops here lol

Pffft, I’m white.


Huh? That’s not stealing at all…

Why isn’t it stealing? I walked out with items I didn’t buy.

I was in a store with my girlfriend the other day and she had her purse open in the cart seat thing and was just tossing items casually in the seat area and they were going in her purse… I’m like what the fuck are you doing? She’s like I’m not shoplifting… I’m like no but it sure looks like it, if you were black you’d be getting arrested. If you would have grown up in the ghetto you’d know better than that shit.

I used to do things like that just to test my boundaries to see if someone would call me out. No one ever did.

I don’t think they can arrest you unless you leave the store with the items, not sure though.

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That night I went to the little grocery store near me in the evening, there was an almost brand new upper end pick up and two cop cars in the parking lot, no one else…I picked up the things I needed and didn’t see another customer or any cops while I was in there, the checker said it was a nicely dressed middle aged guy buying a couple hundred dollars worth of groceries and attempting to shoplift some baseball card bubble gum…

Makes me wish I was there…

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Eagle Eye Wabbit.

Fixed it for you

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