Shut the fuck up and listen!

I like their no nonsense marketing strategies.

With all respect to those who’ve wanted to come in since reading certain articles about Nuki…
Izakaya is not what you have been led to believe.
Izakaya is not a Japanese restaurant or even a restaurant serving international small plates…nor is it the trendy new word for “gastropub”
Izakaya means literally a sake shop where you can stay to drink.
SO… my friends… if you want sake, soju, shochu, Japanese beer and whiskey please come join us.
If you are looking for a “dining experience” to check off your list of things people told you to try may I humbly suggest one of the plethora of places that would make more sense for you to be at?

Sounds like my kind of place.

Go in and have a few shots of the Habu Sake, triple dog dare ya… oh and pics or it didn’t happen.

Friend their FB Page, they don’t post much, but it’s always interesting when they do.

Yeah I was looking at their pictures.