The #metoo thing on social media

If you were wearing clothes or not, and drunk or not, you were literally begging for it!

I know right! I beg for it even while I’m sleeping.

Probably hold up a sign “drink me”.

But that would tie up one of my skanky hands and not in the good sexy way.

Nothing about you is “sexy”.

That’s not what my cousin said.

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You have an incestual family.


PS, Could one use “incestual” in scrabble, I mean legally speaking?


I miss having the black pleather porn casting couch… loved that thing… and when you’re done just wipe it down and spray a little armour all on it and it looked like a million bucks again.

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Not really, just an alcoholic one but I’ll be fucked if you’re gonna troll me :smiley:
