Trump Fail 2.0

Ideological stupidity.

"Benjamin Mullin
Benjamin Mullin is the managing editor of He previously reported for Poynter as a staff writer, Google Journalism Fellow and Naughton Fellow, covering journalism innovation, business practices and ethics. He’s also reported for USA TODAY College and The Sacramento Bee, and he was editor in chief of The Orion, Chico State’s student-run newspaper.

Bwa Hahahahahahahahaha! A progressive snowflake who majors in fake news.

Good one, bro.

No, dear, this decision is called “judicial overreach” and this Judge is clearly a partisan communist traitor to America who should be hanged from a tree limb. I’d spit in it’s face if I saw it on the street.

That’s how the mainstream media has operated for decades.

I predict, if judges keep ruling against Tinyhands’ orders, he is going to stroke out. Sooner, rather than later.

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I’m waiting for him to try his own “Saturday Night Massacre” ala Nixon anytime now.

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Yeah. Undoubtedly he’ll head in that direction.

Nixon looked fairly healthy, so he survived that shit. Tinyhands is a doughy, out of shape guy who prolly has super high blood pressure. I imagine the reason he tweets in the middle of the night is because his non-stop hysteria keeps him from sleeping. The body can only take so much of that! LMAO at the little dictator.

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Check out all these overreaching judges who are upholding the Constitution. Those bastards!

Reg, the bottom line: This is an illegal ban on Muslims.

See how easy that was?

The courts don’t play footsie with thebullshit the rest of us keep telling you camp Trump is blowing up your ass.

Thanks for coming out though.

No, dear. The President has broad powers as regards national security. Feral muslim subhumans represent a clear and present danger to the public. This Judge made his ruling based upon petty politics (and allegedly at the orders of former President Obama) . He should be impeached and thrown off the bench.

Nowhere in the constitution are foreign enemies of America allowed free access to American ports.

^^^And they wonder why sane Judges block their fear campaigns.

Show me where people from those countries have posed a specific threat to the US.

This isn’t about politics. It’s about LAW. It’s about your CONSTITUTION. I’m writing these words in capitals so you can understand there are influential things out there that govern these judges beyond politics. If you had read the judge’s findings, you would already know this.

You should also thank your lucky stars you have the juducary to make sure the Tangerine Dunpster Fire stays in line.

It’s cute when foreigners talk about our constitution dn our laws.

It’s sad when furriners know more about are constitution and laws than we do.

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I’m not talking about your constitution. The AMERICAN JUDGE who made a decision in this case is talking about it.

Yes, and he conflated (you do what conflate means, don’t you dear?) a temporary restriction on people entering the US from countries where ideological Islam is rampant and where known Jihadist terror organizations are active with “religious discrimination against all muslims.”

Google the word “conflate,” dear, as we already know you have issues with the definitions of certain words.

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Did he wrongfully conflate these things? He did explain how he came to that conclusion. Hint: he based it on what Trump and his administration said.

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Google “irony.”

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Yes, and for political reasons. He should be thrown off the bench and disbarred.

Non sequitur.

When are you going to get that started?

Lol. It’s his job to shoot down stupid executive orders that violate the constitution.

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[quote=“Reggie_Essent, post:31, topic:19575”][quote=“Wabbit, post:30, topic:19575”]
Google “irony.”
Non sequitur.