Well this doesn't seem at all fair

There’s a show on the tellie called America’s Got Talent. I’ve been reading one of the acts is the Detroit Youth Choir (They made the final 5 tonight because of course they did).

You’re really gonna try and beat a bunch of singing and dancing kids from Detroit? That’s a fool’s errand.

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What’s your city do? Nothing?

Oh, I’m sorry.

My city mainly does meth. Mostly sounds the same as motown though.

You haven’t been to Motown lately have you?

Too much aids and crack for me. That’s Atoms gig.

So that would be a no…

I mean, we have ghettos here too, so…

So your answer is still NO, you have NOT been. OK, just making sure.

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I know Aretha died… is there anything new there these days?

I mean, from where I live the nearest music town is Memphis, followed by Nashville. But St. Louis is closer than either of them.