ABC is owned by Disney as I recall (Roseanne Barr main thread)

Wow. WTF happened to her? Honestly, she was known as a far left person forever. She hated Bush.

Pizzagate asshole

4 years

18 million

wot the hell is that?

the Alienist had 39 million

So, they prolly wanted to cancel her show anyway.

18 Millions sounds like a pretty decent audience, in this day and age of unlimited content sources. (Various tv and internet channels, streaming etc)

Well the Talk shows will be busy for a few days interviewing all the unemployed ex cast members…

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Indonesia and Orangutans bro!


Yes, until the Orange Poo throwing Primates turn on her.

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John Connor: “NOW we’ve hit the lottery! Woohoo!!!”

Man I gottem goin and the thumbs down are rolling in… hahahaha

My compliments to the chef - well well well done!!!

Last time I saw or heard from Goodman he had lost about 150 pounds. Didn’t know he gained it all back. Sad.

Yeah I saw a vid of him not commenting and he had lost a bunch of weight but way too late it looked like… I remember him looking totally AWFUL on the new show.


I agree with this ^^^^^

Well not so much anymore and also he gave his silent tacit approval of Roseanne’s racism so he’s a closet racist just a little bit smarter than Rosemanne.

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Fuck him fer even working with her

How would like to get up and go work with that - fuck me

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I am sure those in the camps will be devastated

