ABC is owned by Disney as I recall (Roseanne Barr main thread)

That’s some shitty tasting coffee this morning in The Mouse House when they come in and have to deal with this:

Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett: 'Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes Had a Child’

Wow, Rosie’s really milking this Trumptard schtick.

Imagine that: Roseanne Barr, dissing someone’s appearance. :-1:

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It was a joke she sed

She pologized - so it’s all good - maybe they could join the same quilting circle now

Funny how so many TRUMPtard “statements” turn out to be just joking.

Trumptards lack the courage of conviction.

She said that in real life, or as her character?

She used to be a liberal. WTF happened?

That was her actual Tweet up on top, Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes had a child and Valerie Jarrett is the result

I haven’t seen any of the new show, i’ll admit I did enjoy the last one a bit…but I thought I read that Roaseanne’s thing in this reboot was supposed to be a Steven Colbert type of spoof, but I’m not sure about that, as I may have been lucid dreaming unbeknownst to me.

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ABC was not amused.

ABC drops Roseanne show after racist tweet -

Thoughts and prayers to all the Roseanne fans in this difficult time of show cancellation.

How many you figure she put out of work - gotta be 200 anywho

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Sorry guys but I’m calling drag queen on Roseanne Barr… tell me that’s not a drag queen. lmfao

In her 1997 ‘Oprah Show’ appearance, comedian and TV star Roseanne Barr explained why she was so grateful for her ABC show, ‘Roseanne’

Best comment

Roseanne now has more free time to investigate pizzagate

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… and her emails!

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Roseanne’s talent agency dropped her as well. Lack of product? LOL

I’m sure her cast and crew appreciate her putting them all out of work.

Maybe she can spring for retraining so they can find other jobs.