Apeman is being bitched about being a narcissist and a shithead

I knew this had to be about Dove LMFAO


She is TOO damn old to be acting like this with 3 daughters under her care. They are confused enough with the divorce looming.

They need her now more than ever and where is she?

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Right? It’s like really? REALLY?


Actually, one of her daughters was recently in the care of the gf’s family or something.

I wasn’t sure but I thought maybe 2 out of 4 were not included in her grocery shopping, but I tend to not pay too much attention like reading the entirety of any of her posts, just osmosis

She has a teenager living in the home of another teenager she is in a romantic relationship with? Not a situation where they saved up and moved out together??

Cause that’s normal and something to be encouraged… :upside_down_face:

Apparently so…she played it up like it was all so very romantical of course…

Probably is normal in Kentucky or wherever she is… lol


Michigan, same diff? I dunno…lol

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pretty much


I wonder how many black granbabies the god of irony has blessed her with… There’s a Dove on this youtube channel I chat on and her daughter has a black baby and she’s a gross racist… she blocked me after calling her a “Welfare Queen.” lol


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


… but… but…. OUCh

Being a stepmom aka second wife is hard. I’m not sure if it’s thankless yet tho… I would like to think one day when they are grown that they will have a moment of reflection and be grateful for my friendship and devotion to their father and especially this blended family unit.

I try to be supportive, while making it known that I have no real power, I’m just in dad’s ear and when I agree with them I let them know, but reiterate that it’s their parents final decision. I participate in family functions and am at all of their events as dad’s girlfriend.

I am grateful that ALL of our kids get to see us in a healthy, thriving and affectionate relationship. My daughter pointed out after we were smooching in the kitchen that the littles (3 youngest) were staring at us. I pointed out that they, including her, haven’t seen this from their parental unit before and I’m glad they get to see it in us.

Despite the disfunction in my own failed marriage, my children were taught to be good partners. My ex has many flaws, as do I… but he was a good business partner and dad. My fault was they didn’t get to see us LOVE… and I think children should see that.


I am 16 years younger than the mother of my step kids and he married me and moved on before she did. It made for an instant enemy. She was horrid and made the boys take care of her emotionally. They couldn’t feel positive about their relationship with me because it made her insecure.

It was fucking hell for many years…the youngest was 6-7 when I came into the picture. She made everything difficult, pick ups, drop offs, always late, inconsistent, pulling the boys from visits, etc. Not sharing educational info, always saying negative things about their father and especially me. I was only 23 when I became their stepmom, so I behaved like their older sister more than a mom.

My ex did try to get them to call me “mom”, but when I read her vibe, I was like no dude, they have a mom. It’s only right. So, they called me by my first name from the beginning…it was never enough.

Oh and when I had a girl child, she was pissed. She’d wanted a girl and had two boys. She was so hateful, she’d give my girl dirty looks for years. My daughter at about 5 asked me why her brothers mommy didn’t like her. It broke my heart but I didn’t gaslight my girl, I just told her that I didn’t know why, but that it didn’t matter because her brothers loved her regardless of their mom.

The entire issue is about how the adults get along. If they work together, it works out best for the kids. They’re men now and neither one of them has been able to keep a long term relationship intact. The youngest never wants to have kids and they don’t seem to be keen on marriage at all. But both their parents are twice divorced…so they haven’t seen a healthy marriage close up.

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That is a difficult situation that you handled well. Their relationships as siblings is so important. Good for you for fighting to preserve that.

His ex arranged family dinners in the beginning so she could meet me. We are as opposite as night and day, which makes sense.

But I don’t say anything negative about her in front of the children. EVER. In fact, when their oldest daughter showed us a video that her mother made for work, she was laughing with her father about her double chin. I asked them to stop and said “your mother is beautiful and articulate.”

Things went well between us for a long time… but eventually she became threatened. How could she not be tho? She is still single and he is happy. So… eventually he revealed to me that she says things to him occasionally, but it’s because she has control issues and parents from a book whereas I instinctually parent. During the second round I told him that I don’t do anything for their kids without his permission, so I’m not sure what the issue is and suggested they go to counseling so they can sort out their communication issues.

Crickets ever since lol

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