Apeman is being bitched about being a narcissist and a shithead

by a woman that is posting about lining up her 4th, I think that’s right, husband. I think 4 husbands might just prove that you are a narcissist and a shithead. Just sayin’

The same woman that judges everyone claiming she’s not self-righteous and hateful.

You can’t make it up. SMH… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’ve known a lot of angry, nasty people with absolutely no self-awareness.


Yeah, so have I. I’ve even been a nasty person myself…but I’ve always been aware of what I was doing. It’s why I left that kind of forum. It wasn’t good for me or for any reason.

Admin can be snarky, but he’s really not often nasty. He doesn’t deserve the shit she spews at him.


Hell hath no fury like a woman mourned.

I rarely read any of her run on blatherings…


I know, she actually complains about it in some of her rants, which makes me lmao since she keeps ranting at you in scroll bombs all the while acknowledging you don’t read her.



She’s precious that way.


Truly, she should never change. You can’t get comedy like that from just anyone. :laughing:


Be serious, Oak…

She has 3 ex husbands, 4 baby daddies and 7 failed relationships since I’ve known of her.

She can’t leave a relationship without having the next one lined up before it’s even over.


But every single time she’s made a noble choice, until it’s not. How anyone falls for her line of shit is amazing. And some of these people think they’re so smart…their IQ in 3rd grade says so…lol

I guess the emotional iq must be in tard range…


I would have given up after my second failed marriage tbh.

But then again… I stayed married because I didn’t want to expose my children to a single parent household or another man/relationship. What would it know lol

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I’ve had two D’s, her Daddy would have to own a liquor Store or a Porsche Dealership to win my heart in holy matrimony.

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I have one divorce and it was so difficult, I’d rather not remarry again. We’re middle aged +, we’re not having children. In my opinion, children are the most important reason for marriage. Absent offspring, there really is no need.

I don’t condemn others for more than one marriage though, but it’s not for me. Of course, I’m thinking 3+ is ridiculous.


I was dating on and off, but single for 6 years before I got into my current relationship. We are cheesy lovebirds and hopeless romantics who are shacked up (since 6/2021) and engaged (since 2/2022) despite both being traumatized from our divorces, which we each have ONE.

We will eventually get married in a spiritual ceremony so that we can celebrate our love with our children and friends and to also announce the union of this blended family.

I asked him why we have so many kids and he said “my pullout game is weak AF” lmao

I have 2 kids. He has one estranged son from a failed relationship in his early 20s, which they are working on repairing that relationship, and then 3 with his exwife. We quite literally have the modern day Brady Bunch going on with 3 boys and 3 girls. It’s kinda crazy… but my friends recognize that I’m happiest in a full house.


More power to you. I love my kids to death, but never wanted more than two for myself.

I was/am a stepmom to 2, it can often be a thankless job.

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And I have to give Shen credit for calling a spade a spade.

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Her life makes me sad.


I used to have compassion for her. But no more. She doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone, not her spouse, not her children…it’s all “me, me, me”.

Her kids will be on therapists couches before too long…

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I only hire the best people, until they’re disloyal and become Never-Trumpers.