Cbd for my dog

I’ve had 2 people recommend CBD for my 13 year old dog’s arthritic hips.
She’s a 60 lb lab/golden.

I don’t smoke pot or eat edibles. Where do I start?

I did a quick google…what’s the best for my dog?

I so want to post the video of that guy (who had big foot jizz on his yard) ranting about giving weed to dogs but I think you are seriously asking, so I won’t.

And sorry, I am a bit of a weed noob so I can’t help you much.

Start with small doses and see how it goes

You probably should give it in capsules or maybe tinctures

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A friend of mine used to give his boxer a bud wrapped up in some cheese in the evening and it seemed to help her arthritis. In fact he used to buy quarters of weed just for his dog since he rarely smokes it. It was just some standard commercial weed, probably california outdoor… THC is also very effective for a lot of things, I’d say even more so than CBD… I wouldn’t buy into all of this CBD only stuff, not that it can’t be helpful as well but so can THC.

My little dog used to have seizures, he gets a pea sized bit of high thc coconut oil on a treat every 2-3-4 weeks and stopped having seizures.

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I saw an article in the Washingtonpost or some shit and it was these fuckers selling CBD dog treats claiming that THC was poisonous to dogs… which is bullshit, in large amounts it can knock them out for a few days… like when the dog eats the pan of pot brownies which the chocolate is the most dangerous thing. My little dog and cat can eat the high thc coconut oil in small amounts no problem.

Thanks for all the replies. It’s a serious question.

If you click on the google link or search yourself, there’s a lot of options to buy online for CBD.

I don’t know which brand is best?

Maybe direct me to a good CBD/THC dog website?

I’d guess most of them are bullshit, you need to go get some THC/CBD weed or oil from a med/rec place or a blackmarket dealer and make it yourself. All the shit you buy is 99% likely to be bullshit.

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Is the Marijuanas legal in your state? If so, just hit up one or two of the dispensaries, and ask questions, if you’re lucky you’ll find someone that knows what they’re talking about.

An old friend of mine gave me a handful of CBD Dog Biscuits for my old Doggo, he loved them but I couldn’t tell if they “helped” him any, but he wasn’t really arthritic at that point, just old and frail.

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Thanks, I’ll try that route. :slight_smile:

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made from industrial hemp… ehhh… probably a tiny amount of cbd in them.

As Comeatmebro suggested, I’m going to try a dispensary. :slight_smile:

Also the DEA made CBD a schedule one recently, these guys can’t go shipping their CBD stuff around anymore without committing a federal crime.

Yes, my pet groomer got into a 2 hour tirade about it today.

Just make your own, none of it is rocket science, if you can get a 1/4 oz of weed, or a half gram to gram of shatter/oil, you can make your own. Doesn’t have to be CBD weed either, give the THC a try too…


Your toy Poodle must get one of those crazy ass Poodle cuts, does he insist on the pink dye job too?

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I don’t have enough knowledge or confidence to do it myself…I’ll check out the dispensary first. :slight_smile:

And whatever you start with , start with small doses, mainly to make sure there isn’t a bad reaction.


You can get a half gram to a gram of shatter and melt it into some coconut oil under low heat, double boiler method works best…I would try a half cup of coconut oil for a half gram and a cup for a gram… maybe pour it into some silicon molds so you have little squares or something to work with, it will harden up in the fridge, keep it refrigerated… Then just start out giving your dog a tiny pea sized amount on a treat… she can probably handle quite a bit more and like more since she’s 60lbs but work her up to it.

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Thanks Comeatmebro and Billdo.

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