D_M -- Does yer DTV DVR have that light in the middle - blue

I hate that fucking light

there is a top secret way to turn it off without a fucking bat

just sayin

It comes back on if they do a software update but ya just use yer top secret way again instead of the bat to make it go away agian

Does the top secret way of turning it off, involve tape or gum?

No, can you read

I said it comes back on with an update

How the fuck would I know if it was taped over


Here’s what I got…

1 standard DVR and 2 Genies. Is this what you’re talking about?

BTW… those Genie’s are a rip-off. The whole selling point is you can move TV’s anywhere because they are wireless. It’s not like I’m going to put a TV in the backyard.

Hey DM I was in a friends Furniture store a couple weeks ago, he had this big selection of Screen, you know those big screens you use to partition a room and the like, later I remembered you talking about the odd arrangement of your bedroom bathroom situation and maybe one of those screens in front of the bathroom door, just an idea.

Something like this, they make them in just about any sort of finish or design you can think of…

Thanks. I tried one of those and it worked out okay… until I got pissed one night from having to open and close it all the time. I picked it up and flung it down the stairs and it busted in about 10 pieces… plus gouged a few holes in the wall. Now I just have one of those hippy looking things with love beads hanging over the door…LOL. .

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Top pic - blue circle light

ya could turn it off

hold down right side and keep hitting left side to keep dimming it

or vice verse

I don’t have genie

I would like to get rid of it. Hold down right side and hit left side of what?

The light is 4 seperate switches

Left right up and down

Hold the right switch down and hit the left switch a bunch of times to cycle on and off

go here

it tells ya in other tips - page down a bit

WTF is this thread about?

Okay, I’ll try it.

One thing I don’t like about these DTV boxes is that they don’t have clocks on them, All of the other boxes I’ve had did. Now I have to put a fukking clock on the wall. God, life sucks.

What do you have them for?

Big Duke is explaining to D_M how to get the 12:00 from flashing on his VCR, or something.

The DTV sales guy made it sound like they were the best thing since sliced bread and only an idiot would use the older DVR’s. He said they were completely wireless and therefore you could move them around at will. Well, you still have to plug them in for power, so they are NOT wireless. They also consume bandwidth from your WiFi modem, so they are actually a net loss. I was in a hurry at the time and didn’t feel like listening to his BS sales pitch, so I just said, “yeah…yeah…okay”.