Dave Chapelle - 8:46


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No comments? I see it’s been viewed a few times now.

I just started it to see how long it is. I will check it out later.

I love Dave I watched the first couple minutes…my cup of white guilt runneth over today…The immensity and endurance of this movement is staggering.

I have slave owners in my family tree.

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I think there’s more of a societal movement in this current iteration of national unrest.

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It’s worldwide, or at least European influenced world wide.

I saw coverage of some BLM protests in Japan, and I think good Korea, and maybe a Thailand too…

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He doesn’t disappoint. Still cutting through the shit.

The only thing that annoys me is all the stupid white bitches who are causing trouble. If I could, I’d change my skin color to green just to distance myself from their idiotic asses.

My issue is police brutality, and immunity from prosecution. Too many have died at the hands of cops, with no accountability. Cause selling single cigarettes, running away, being a dumb kid, or holding a BB gun in a store that sells, them aren’t death penalty offenses. I don’t care what their record (if any) might be. The rabid cops have been allowed to get away with beatings, rapes, robberies, and murders. All the shit hitting the fan, was overdue and expected.