Even Ta-Nehisi Coates is feeling teh Bern now

“The Goldman Sachs thing really bothered me. You have somebody taking $600,000 a year and not really disclosing what they talked about, you know, in a country where wealth inequality is so, so huge,” Mr. Coates said of Mrs. Clinton. “You’re living in another world now.”


I guess he must not fully endorse ANY of the candidates.

Even so, one can understand how “corporate whoredom” might be a bigger deal breaker for him than “not taking a position on reparations.”

It’s good to see him broadening the list of issues on which he’s an “expert,” too. His adoring fans here at CBT will be proud.


Looks like Hillary has a minority problem.

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I don’t know what makes the rabid feminists think that minorities aren’t going to vote for Bernie because he’s an old white man but they’re going to vote for some nasty ass old white pants suit cunt. lmao


Oh noes, what happened, Oh I know Bernie must have given Coates some “reparations”. Anyways, it will be interesting to see how the Reparationists spin this.


Well, it’s nice to see Coates realized what an ass he was being. Good for him.

The 675k Clinton took from GS should bother everyone.

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I’ll just leave this here, in case, yanno.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
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Some accuse me of being a rabid feminist. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for Hills juts because she’s female. Hell no!

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You’re no rabid feminist.

That’s a joke!

Yes, Oak. Make this thread about me, and pretend it wasn’t you who was using Coates as a reason to attack Sanders.

Coates still doesn’t support Bernie Sanders.

I am a free citizen and that affords me the right to believe and express what I please. This isn’t YOUR board any more than it’s mine.

So, I can attack Sanders or anyone that I like. Control freak!!!

Where did I say you couldn’t? You have such difficulty with reading comprehension. How did you ever earn a degree?

Oh, yeah. You went to UCR. LMAO.

Why are you always shouting at me because I think differently than you? Is there only one way to navigate through this world?

You’re very upset. I think you need to take a valium.

Authoritarianism is bipartisan.

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For Hills? Yeah, that’s not biased at all.

Clinton is a dried up cunt who should be in jail.
