Female teacher arrested for allegedly having sex with student in car

the age of consent in missouri/alabama north is like 14 or some shit…

A female substitute teacher has been arrested and charged with alleged sexual contact with a 17-year-old student in Missouri.

Loryn Barclay, 24, has been charged with purportedly having sex with the student in his car and at his home on numerous occasions between November 2016 and January 2017.

She has been charged with six counts of alleged sexual contact in two Missouri counties, according to The Monett Times newspaper.


I’d fuck her

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You might be too old for her.

Twenty four. Damn. it 's not like these 40-year-old priests who were violently raping 14-year-old girls under threat of death.

She’d be a good single mother

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I think if you are over the age of consent, it’s none of their business who you have sex with, legally speaking…aside from family members.

What about animals? I heard some people dig that

First of all, do you honestly think removing teachers from the “illegal to fuck list” is a slippery slope to fucking animals?

Do you know why, legally speaking, you can’t fuck animals? Because they can’t consent. Animals will never be able to offer informed consent to sexual relations with a human therefore fucking animals will never be legal.

Please stop using it as an excuse.

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I think it is in several European countries, they were selling beastiality porn magazines along with regular porn and newspapers at a stand across the street from the Vatican in Italy.

Well, it ain’t legal in the US. I recall that the mod rules at TV were hardcore about it…there were only 3 things you couldn’t poast there, and bestiality was one of them.

I used to help a lot of single mothers get their start.


I think it could get you convicted of obscenity pretty easily anywhere in the US. I think there might be a few states like Texass that don’t have any laws against it. Texass where the sheep are scared…

There’s places in several states where it’s legal… not that I approve, but just thought it’d make a funny argument lol

The states that allow bestiality are probably the states where sodomy is illegal.

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Do you have over sized boots Boro

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Animals don’t generally “consent” to relations with their own species either though. The female gets chased down and raped by the male, right?

I only wear boots in uniform, and my 7.5W fits my feet perfectly.

A) Does that make it right?
B) Some animals actually pair up, and the female chooses which male she’s gonna pair up with.

Depends on the animal. Humans are supposed to get consent first.

Are you saying moozelimbs are not human?

I’m sorry - I know that was wrong, and I’m going to catch hell for it, but I did it anyway.