Found the gold mine

All the free compost I can load up and haul away, a couple miles away at the county composting deal. I just did a couple tarps full, could hardly lift them into my trunk. That shit winded me… after I finish catching my breath I’m going to make another run with a bunch of these 3 gallon nursery buckets I have…

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Mountains of it, there’s a little bit of trash and plastic in it but it shouldn’t be too hard to get most of it out.

probably not

Here you can buy it, but it doesn’t have other garbage in it. There are trucks that come around picking up yard waste that people separate out…they just pick it up and then compost it all.

They sell screened compost for like $1 a cubic foot or something but they didn’t have any screened and the unscreened stuff is free… so I’ll take it…

Maybe you could rig up a strainer of some sort, make a frame and put some kind of chicken wire of it and heap some dirt on it and shake it through


I was thinking of doing something like that, I need one anyways for my own compost pile if it ever breaks down.

That’s what I was thinking too.

the tube has several examples.

Shit, I need a pickup truck and a wheelbarrow. 2 hauls so far and it doesn’t look like a whole lot but it is really nice rich black stuff. I don’t know if I’ll need a strainer, there’s a little bit of trash in it but I’m careful scooping it up and can probably pick out the little bits left pretty easily.

I recently bought some screening mesh material at Lowe’s.Just frame it and nail it. Works great.

I threw some on top of a spot I’ve been working on, I just had to pick out a few small pieces of plastic, no big deal. I think they have free woodchips too. A few pickup truck loads of this stuff would be awesome.