Fucking anti maskers

The CDC is controlled by the white house… I don’t really care what they have to say lady… put your damn mask on, you don’t know shit.

Take some midol, grandma.

Put your mask on dumbass…

Stop melting down over nothing.

Stop being a dumbass and promoting dumbassery… if you’re in my space put your mask on bitch and shut up about it.

Getting covid from someone walking past you for a few seconds is like getting an STD from sitting on a toilet seat. Technically, it’s possible…but it VASTLY improbable. It doesn’t help to put shit out there that isn’t true. It turns people off from mask wearing at all.

“The risks of virus transmissibility in the air outdoors is likely quite low in those contexts, although this risk hasn’t been definitively measured,” Rasmussen said. “Outside, things like sunlight, wind, rain, ambient temperature, and humidity can affect virus infectivity and transmissibility, so while we can’t say there’s zero risk, it’s likely low unless you are engaging in activities as part of a large crowd (such as a protest). Solitary outdoor exercise is likely low-risk.”

Rasmussen and Kasten both noted that a perfect sequence of events has to happen for a virus to jump from an infected passerby outdoors to you. The particles — enough of them to be able to kickstart an infection — have to spray out of the passerby with enough force to make their way over to you. The virus inside the particles has to survive while sunlight, humidity, wind, and other forces work to decay and disperse them. The particles have to land right in your upper throat or respiratory tract — or on your hands, which you then use to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth — and they have to get past all the barriers to infection in the respiratory system, like nose hairs and mucus. Then they have to dock up with your cells’ ACE-2 receptors and use them to enter the cells.

This is a pretty arduous sequence to execute properly, and it’s even more difficult for the virus if everyone involved — say, both you and the runner in front of you — is wearing a mask. You can see why, if you’re standing outdoors several feet away from an infected person, the virus might have a hard time making its way over to you at a high enough dose to actually infect you.

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