Fucking spell cops

I will put them in camp 3

Who goes in camp 1 and 2?

Isn’t it actually “spellkops”?


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Haha, your to samrt!

Am I the only one that notices that most 'spellcops/spellkops don’t even grammar worth a fuck? I hate people that don’t grammar worth a fuck.


My camp naming conventions -

the suffix is the number of calories / 100 a day

so camp 1 would be 100 calories a day

camp 0 is zero calories a day

camp 5 is 500 a day

Hence, the worse yer crime the lower the camp



I can top that. Here is an article about Artur Kanenberg, who was Adolf’s personal chef and ran event catering at both the Chancellery and the Bergholf.

Which makes him…drum roll, please…the first Soup Nazi.

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If there was anyone named Godwin who was interned at a concentration camp, perhaps that would be the original Godwin Violation.

Back to the OP


Wow. I’ll bet HE feels like an assp.

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Spell cops bad