Garden Update 08-03-2014

Here’s my green beans, they’re pretty picked out but are starting to flower again. The peas on the right are about dried up.

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The pictures kind of suck this time… I shouldn’t have used the auto settings.

Big Zucchini plant… this thing is a monster…

The summer lettuce experiment (inside the box) didn’t work very well, it has been very slow to grow and when I planted the other side I had very poor germination.

Peppers, I’ve been picking a lot of peppers. I cleaned these sweet peppers on the end off (1st pic) about a week ago and now it’s putting out a shit load. Picking them off there seems to encourage them to produce a lot more. The downside is you end up with green peppers instead of ripe ones.

Some of these tomato plants are 7ft tall if you stand them up where they’ve fell over. The wind came through about a week ago and really laid them out. I’ve been picking a ton of tomatoes off of them, my kitchen table is full.

I think these are black krim’s

Monster cherry tomato plant…

Mortgage Lifter

I think you’ve found your calling, those are some good looking crops!

I think next year I’m going into the tomato business and doing around 100 plants.

You’ll need a crop duster next year

That looks excellent by the way. GREAT garden.

he could get a drone crop duster, and then he’d have something to fuck with the neighbors with for shits and giggles too.

Thanks, I think it’s awesome too… I get off on my garden. I haven’t really used any fertilizer (just a small amount of compost tea occasionally and some pelletized lime) and I’d never use any pesticides.

Your tomato plants are as big as mine, but I’m finally getting some on. I think that I’m going to top them above the highest blooms.

Your pepper plants look great.

Try shaking your tomato plants, that will help pollinate the blossoms, imitates the wind. I shake mine once in awhile.

This thread got me to thinking. I haven’t had any kabobs for quite a while. :slight_smile:

Me either, sounds great, I’m going to have to have some soon.

I finally have some grapes coming in. Should yield about 12 bunches.

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NIce man! Wish I had some grapes! I got a couple Blueberry bushes marked down for clearance at $2.50 each, I need to get them in the ground but I’ve been slackin. I hope they make it. I want to get a couple raspberry bushes next year.