Gaslighter McTrump

Yeah, it’s from Teen Vogue…but it’s salient.

Where in the hell has @LotusBud been sulking this week? One misses her repetitive memes.

LotusBud gets fed up with us from time to time, but she always finds her way home.

I’ve always thought Trump was a gaslighter but that’s because I understand what one is.

Sorry, I don’t miss Lotus’ repetitive and constant name calling.

Aw Come on -

We needs L_B and Oak also and the dog

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I agree. I don’t like that she isn’t here. I just don’t miss her occasional bullshit.

That’s nice.

Some of that is true.

All of it is true

unfort Oak and L_B are mutually exclusive according to L_B

I say make things right in the spirit of the season

but peacekeepers always get fucked - I know about sich

I have suggested that Oak and LB get rotated every week. One week on then the other for one week - then off, so they don’t fight. They can still fight with Starling or anyone else. Billdo says it’s too much trouble for him to click on a button every week though.


He cud make you an admin and you could do it

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I’d love to be fucking admin, heads would roll, that I can tell you.

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I am so toadally game. I’m going to move a lot of post around and correct spelling and punksherations too. OOOOOOH YaY!

A madman in the WH and you an admin

a-gaslighting I will go. :sunglasses:

Gonna gaslight ya, baby

It amuses me no end that people who claim to be so smart have such a hard time applying simple concepts to differing situations.

From that article posted in the op, with my commentary in brackets:

There is a long list of receipts when it comes to Trump’s lies…The gas lighting part comes in when the fictions are disputed by the media, and Trump doubles down on his lies [analogous situation: when a poster calls someone on his/her bullshit, and the bullshitter doubles down on the bullshit – a very common occurrence here], before painting himself as a victim of unfair coverage [like when someone screams “bully” because another poster has called that person out on his/her bullshit].

It’s a very simple concept. But maybe simple people don’t get simple concepts.

OMG - wait till she finds the post where I suggest she and Oak are assigned one week on, one week off. :bitesnails smiley

You want to bring that nutjob back, go ahead. I think you’re a sadist and you just want her here because you like to

a) start shit
b) watch Oak, a truly sick person who needs help, crack up in front of you.


Any way, I’d be happy to see her return. It would be excellent motivation to never post here again.

Would it hurt you that much? How fragile are you, Madame Gaslite?