Gender reveal shocker

Today I was with my daughter. She’s expecting and I’ve known for several months that she is pregnant. I have been on pins and needles about the baby’s gender. When I was at her house she gave me some pj bottoms I guess had left at her house or laundry had gotten mixed up…

She had to go see her mother-in-law who recently had cervical spine fusion and left my grandson here with me. They came to pick him up after the visit. I was handed a package wrapped in layers of tissue. It was so much tissue in several colors that I figured it was the top of my pjs and they were pranking me a bit.

I finally got to the pink tissue, still clueless and tore it open. I reveal the gift and it was a pink bib that says “Thank Heaven for Little Girls” and a pink bow headband. I shouted out “I’m going to have a granddaughter!” and then promptly burst into tears.

What a wonderful way to end my day…I am so very pleased. Thrilling news, folks.


:clap: happy for you.


Thank you, I am very happy about it.

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Congrats Abuela!


Gracias, mon ami!

I am very happy for you! :star_struck:

Being a Grandma, are you all mellow now? :grin:

I’m still spicy!

Interestingly, recently my guy was in touch with an old friend from college he hadn’t talked to in more than 10 years.

As they caught up, the friend told my guy about a failed relationship with a Brazilian woman and said “don’t ever get involved with a Brazilian woman.”

My guy says, well, “my partner is a Latina” and gave provided my surname and finished with " I understand what a truly spicy sauce is like". Apparently, they both had a good chuckle about it.

As he told me the story, I said to him “But we know how much you like spicy, don’t we?” He just chuckled.


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Good story. lol