How to implement Trump's Muslim embargo

Welcome to America, have some bacon.



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Huge rec.

Replace it with “Japanese” and then ask yourself, “Do I sound like FDR?”


^^^Moar melt^^^

Marry me! :joy: :joy: :joy:

I hope we do set up camps and exterminate all muzzie scum that are stupid enough to come here. I’ll gladly volunteer to man one of the ovens.


Appropriate authorities alerted.

America is the land of bacon.

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Wouldn’t you have to man’s best friend one of the ovens?

Spell the name right, please

OK, Fuffy.

Someone wrote in and said my plan would fail because the Muslim would claim to be Jewish.

Simple, just have them sign a pledge that says Israel has the right to exist.

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an eat a bacom sammich.

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Apparently, in the Hadith it indicates that a man shouldn’t eat the sheep he porks.


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Of course - no other man should have at it.

Well, apparently the Hadith says he can pork the sheep and sell it to some guy that has no idea they broke up.

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Truth in sale is not a requirement of islam.

Wow. And you screech about racism nonstop.