I did some research on this Marine Le Pen, i have concerns

You can’t argue with the facts.


You certainly can’t.

Unfortunately, in Leftard Land, a “fact” is anything said that rejects or rebutts conservatism.


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No, I’m of the right.

You seem to be left, which is to say, wrong.

I was reading just yesterday that you’re supposed to be super smart. Please don’t feel like you need to hold it back on are account.



Note the hammer and sickle T shirt.

Gotta love the ignorance leftards.


Letterman and Leno became wealthy men making those types of videos.

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Your point being?

No, wait…what am I saying…standard leftard response. Dismiss and belittle, or put your head under your blanky and pretend it isn’t happening.

Oh puhleez.

Another standard leftard response.

The farce is strong in this one.

So? Does that make you hot?

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No. It makes me assume that the fuckjob wearing it has NO clue what that symbolises to the millions of people who lived under its tyranny, and re-inforces my belief that the American education system is thoroughly useless.

So i take it you were never on a College campus.

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Ok but so far are fucked up education cured lots of disease, put men on the moon, invented polyester etc etc etc


I agree, names tell a lot

Obama, which sounds a lot like Osama, Barack whci is a lot like barrack, also invokes war and Hussein.

Come ON!

You elected a dude named HUSSEIN.



How can you make that assumption from what I said?

Either you were never on a college campus, or you hid in your dorm room and never went out. Gotta be one or the other.

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YOU decide, whilst I try very hard to care what you believe.

Its college even many of the brightest and hardest working students wear Che T shirts and sandals and smoke dope out on the “quad” and that sort of thing while in school, before they get the career track haircut and redo their wardrobe at The Men’s Warehouse.