Judge in Deutschebank/Epstein case: son killed, husband wounded, assailant "commits suicide" soon after

Word on the internet’s is that it was another Hillary Black OP.

Of course it is.

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A lot of people are saying the now conveniently deceased suspect was an Incel Lawyer.

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Who holds a grudge like that?

5 years after whatever pissed him off?

Bullshit. I can hold some serious axes to grind, but as time passes I become less likely to kill. I’d fuck them up so bad they’d wish that I killed them.

Mercy is for not for my enemies.

Well he was a male rights activist, in my estimation, that puts him right up there with a white rights activist.

…and yet you dissented against the lovely and innocent LotusBud,
while defending the unruly and general disgusting


Very “progressive” of you

^^^ The king of grudge-holders has seagulled in once again.


Altho I may have some confusing sexual feelings for(or about?) Doc, I don’t understand his ability to remember perceived slight from many years gone by.

One remembers everything.

I just don’t like the not very important hassle of maintaining some database you seldom if ever need access too. It’s like trying to decide when you’re moving if you really need your Junior High History Text Book anymore.


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That’s your dilemma, fren.

I see you talking up BLM and the slavery past.
Can’t they just ferget all-a-thet?

No? Can’t they just leave the text books behind?
People and communities have history that need reconciliation.

What did she do to anyone?

Not a damned thing.

What’s interesting is that he’s holding grudges here, while engaging me at SG? Lotus did that too.

Why should he be angry at anyone here? Explain it to me like I have the IQ of Holliday.

In the dumbed down world of Stomper Room
much is within the average poster’s grasp.

…but I wasn’t speaking to the average poster.

When one recs the words of one
they may indirectly disparage the memory of another.

I cannot point a finger too directly at this w/o running
the risk of hypnotizing the reader.


You’re mad about a rec?

Holy fuck! That’s just sad.

Which rec was it and where did it pain you?

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If someone writes:
Oak is a big fat stoopit COW

and I rec that

so what, right?
Means nothing.

Yeah, it means nothing. You’ve said it hundreds of times before directly.

It’s like you’re looking for a reason to be angry with a nice woman who’s done nothing to you.

LardBawler thinks everyone is a “doosh” if they don’t like him.

He reminds me of the Orange Shitgibbon.


But she didn’t even rec something that was said against him. He’s so co-dependent he’s upset about something she rec’d that apparently didn’t favor Lotus.


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