
Looks like some awesome stuff, I’ve got some of the water soluble kelp from and I just sprouted a bunch of veggie seedlings in like a day using some of the kelp juice to water and mist them. My houseplants like this big elephant ear philodendron I have seem to love it too.

Looks like it’s a mild fertilizer and also stimulates hormonal activity in plants and has numerous uses… looks like a good foliar spray or watering about once a month would be great, maybe once a week.

The kind I have is little black chunks similar to charcoal that dissolve into a brown liquid when added to the water. At 1/4 teaspoon a gallon a 1/2 lb of it should go a long ways. If you live by the coast I would collect a bucket full of it and then add some water and cover it and let it rot, then dilute that mixture down and give it to your plants.

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This guy does a great job of really explaining how amazing seaweed/kelp is for your plants.

I have seaweed.kelp near my home. This sounds good. I can use it for compost.

Kelp meal is also a great soil amendment it looks like, I’ve never tried it though. Looks like you could probably just use it dried up in the soil if you wanted.

You should eat the kelp. It’s good for humans too.

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