Mirror Lake, Mt Hood OR

This is a very popular hike here, my 3rd time doing it, first time spending the night. It’s a short hike up here, only a couple miles or so, but it’s almost entirely steep uphill. I’m more sore off this little hike than any of the others I’ve done lately think.

When I finally got up to the lake, I did the loop around the lake to go get a good shot at the view points of Mt Hood. Plus I wanted to chill at a spot on the other side and enjoy my tuna sandwich and some weed before setting up camp. I met a woman from Portland her dog Jocelyn while eating. She was super chill and her dog was very lovable.

One side of the lake is this boardwalk, both other times I’ve done this I’ve gotten my feet wet.


Awesome pics Cindy and that video is very cool, parts of that trail looked like a machete might be handy…

We live in a beautiful area with a traditionally temperate climate

eta, how was the mosquito situation?


Up above the lake are some campsites, I got what might be the best one… with a nice view of the lake, nice spot…


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I pulled a tick off me shortly after going through those bushes. Mosquitos were bad but they didn’t bother me this time… I got some better insect repellant, this shit is golden in the woods.



After setting up camp I went down to the beach right below me, smoked a bowl, felt my mild shroom buzz start to kick in and enjoyed the sunset and the light show on the lake. .


As it got darker a fog started forming at the boardwalk end and blowing across the lake.


Then the fuckwads showed up… I knew they were shitbags as soon as they walked through the campground. It was a loud mouthed chud guy, his skag girlfriend and his quiet guy friend but might have been two couples. Loud, drunk, vulgar and obnoxious. And where do they camp to have their shitbag party… right fucking behind me. Which of course made it impossible to sleep. And I get all the details of these morons lives and relationship that I never wanted to hear.

The chick Holly lives in a trailer and her closet case chud boyfriend Jason is over at her trailer every night but he can’t move out of his place yet because then he’d end up homeless in a trailer with her. :joy_cat:

And the idiot kept going on about how he had a loaded gun in case of any bears and telling his ho there’s one in the chamber and I’m thinking yeah these cowardly morons are going to shoot someone up here thinking it’s a fucking bear. Fucking scared pussies. He’s like I loaded when we got out of the car to hike up here. I’m thinking yeah bitch, I got one in the chamber 24/7 for your azzz.

And of course they lit a campfire during a fire ban. At one point I heard this moron tell her “Baby I love your asshole” and I was like I sure hope I don’t have to listen to these losers fuck. Go take your tent back to the bike trails in Portland where you belong fucking losers.

Eventually like 2-3am they quieted down and I was able to get a couple hours sleep. I woke up as the sun was just starting to rise and got a few more pics of the morning. This lake is like a fog machine at night, the outside of my tent was pretty wet and it was starting to seep inside too.


Then I slept for about another hour, got up, packed up and headed back. I was headed down the trail by about 8am and was glad I left early because I swear I passed 50 people on their way up. From there I hiked to Government Camp and made my way home. I’m tired and sore.


My ex and I had something similar to us, mid week we went to South Twin Lake near La Pine, the camp ground was full but across the highway along the Wickiup River, maybe a mile away was park area but no actual camp sights…wed. thus. nite mostly quiet Friday night was party night in the area and starting at dusk every so often at odd intervals there would be a chorus of rebel yell type shouts and screams, so it alternated several minutes of silence and then some group in that direction would start it up, to be followed by a group in a different direction, occasionally earlier in the evening the circulating howling’s would become as one and shout and yell for minutes at a time…till the wee hours inn the morning…


I should have hiked on a little further and found or made a remote campsite.


People that don’t know how to go camping without disturbing everyone suck fucking ass!


I hope they jumped in the lake the next day, went into hypothermic shock from the cold water and everyone just watched them drown.


You have been making some great pics. :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you using a camera phone?

cheap camera phone, my old Moto G Stylus probably 3 years old now.

Headed up here after work… fuck this hike kills me… they rate it as moderate and only 3.2 miles but I think that’s just what your GPS tracks, I know it’s a lot longer than 2 miles each way, I walk the place up the street that’s exactly 2 miles on the regular. And they rate it moderate but some of it is super steep, hard incline, grueling… I’m beat…

I always see mushrooms I’ve never seen before on this hike…

The bridge was out to get around to the other side and I didn’t feel like getting wet, so no pic of the mountain and the lake but here’s Tom Dick and Harry Mountain. I want to hike to there sometime, it’s rated as Hard.

Brain Mushrooms - Gyromitra esculenta