Official Jim Wright bullshit stripping thread

I’ve seen literally hundreds of variations on this theme today.

Obama cares more about Muslim refugees than he does about homeless veterans.

The next person who says this to me? I’m likely to punch right in the fucking mouth and KEEP punching until I pound the hypocrisy out them.

Honestly, I can’t think ANY other way to get through to these assholes. Threats and violence are the only thing they understand. Reason, logic, actual history, religion, NOTHING works. They’ve walked around the homeless and the destitute and the hungry and the poor and the sick their entire lives. They bitch and complain and whine ENDLESSLY about how terrible they have it, in fact they never shut the fuck up about how miserable they have it - and they walk around the homeless every single day without a second thought. Hell, it’s not enough for them to ignore the destitute, these very same assholes pass laws prohibiting YOU from helping the homeless and they bulldoze homeless encampments and cut funding for shelters at EVERY opportunity.

They didn’t give a shit about homeless veterans before Obama, they don’t now, and they NEVER will.

That picture? That one of the dead Syrian child washed up on a beach? The one I asked you to stop posting? I asked you to stop posting it because it does NOTHING. They don’t care. These people are the same ones whose ancestors looked at dead African American children and dead Native American children and shrugged. Nits make lice, they said, one less to grow up into my enemy. Get 'em while they’re young. These are the same people, the very same people, who turn back sick starving abused children at our Southern border every single day. Who stood outside a bus full of refugee children in Southern California shouting fuck you, go home and die, pendejos. If pictures of dead children had ANY power to sway these selfish sons of bitches, we wouldn’t be having this discussion in the first place.

And now? Now it’s homeless veterans. Wah wah wah and oh my eyes are full of tears for their sad condition. What has Obama, OBAMA, done about homeless veterans? Wah wah wah. We should take care of our own first.

Take care of our own first?

Really? Take care of our own first? I’m hip.


You want to do something about homeless vets? Your heart bleeds red, white, and blue for their plight? Then DO something about it, or shut the fuck up.

If these people actually gave even the smallest shit about veterans, they’d actually DO something instead of creating memes to attack whichever political party or politician they currently despise.

I’ll say here what I said in reply to somebody on another thread complaining about Michelle Obama’s effort to find housing for Veterans:

US Veterans have suffered the effects of war and American indifference since the Revolution. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, made veteran care and especially military families her priority since the day she moved into the White House. She’s done more for veterans than all the worthless yellow magnets stuck on the back of SUVs across America and more than the majority of our worthless Congress combined and has quietly, every day for the last seven years. This woman has been a tireless advocate for military families, but she gets no credit for it and you for sure won’t hear Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck mention it between calling her a “gorilla” and a “mooch.”

Yes, it sure would great to see America actually do something for homeless vets - or ALL the homeless Americans those vets fought for, for that matter. But this is nothing new. This didn’t happen or start on Obama’s watch and it won’t end with the next president whoever that may be. This isn’t the President, this is US. We Americans. We’ve been walking around veterans on the street for two centuries. And you’ll note despite all the teary-eyed patriotic rhetoric from the chest beating war mongers in Congress, they STILL haven’t passed a Veterans Jobs bill and they blocked VA funding, again. Veterans are nothing more than a way to score points for both sides and Congress should be ashamed - but they don’t even have the decency to do that much, nor do we have the courage and wherewithal to elect those who do.

Obama is hardly the first to welcome refugees to America. We are a nation of refugees and immigrants fleeing war, oppression, poverty, hunger, and terror and we ALWAYS have been.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

From Irish and Dutch immigrants fleeing the Potato Famine to Europeans and Chinese fleeing the Nazis and Imperial Japan, to Cambodians fleeing the killing fields, to Vietnamese, to Somalia, and Kurds, and Cubans, and Russians, and Latinos from every country in South and Central America, Presidents both liberal and conservative have welcomed refugees and immigrants to our shores - as people like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and even Barack Obama should be able to tell you.

This nonsense? This idiotic meme? The dimwitted, booger eating, soundbite partisan mentality like that in the picture above? That, that right there, is a far, far, far greater threat to the future of this country than any refugee.


Hey, I’ve been telling a lot of the assholes here to either do something about their pet whines or STFU.

Now that someone else says it, Progs are all about it?

LMAO, Progs bleed irony.

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What are you willing to do about it?

I should just keep rubbing this thread in your hypocritical faces.

GTFO, windbag. I don’t read your bullshit, and I doubt you’ve ever had a single thought Wright didn’t have first.


Will that help wages to rise?


Your Ed Hochuli gifs suggest something else.

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Maybe you should STFU about something that you are not going to do anything about.

Touchy sore subject I guess, how’s your day going? :slight_smile:

Big boys don’t cry, big boys don’t cry. Now run along and eat your paint chips Crackdawg.

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Hey, Jim Wright said it too. Was it a touchy subject for him too?

What the hell is with people?

Who’s Jim Wright?

Was Jim Wright eating paint chips, Boozehound?

What the hell is with people?

Indoor voice Crackdawgie.

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See the headline. LMAO

I skimmed it a little and then skipped over to your meltdown… :slight_smile:

Hey, if being right is a meltdown, then guilty as charged.

What the hell is it with people?

Nobody cares about you being Wright which is probably highly questionable anyways… we’re just laughing at you. :slight_smile:

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I doubt it but apparently you do paintchipdawgie