On Joe and the Debate

Hint. They prefer it to be Biden.

Of course, that goes without saying.

But I think the right fears Obama.

They are afraid of public dumbness.

Are they? Trump goes off into the weeds pretty much every time he speaks and his MAGAt cultists consider him a stable genius.

I think your thesis has some holes in it.

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This opinion goes way back ages ago and it is neither about just libs or cons. It usually involved the public being told that someone was one of the countries most admired people even thought they had never done any thing to deserve it. Perhaps I was just a sucker for fake news?

The idea that “they” are afraid of public dumbness flies in the face of “them” actively embracing it. As to your self questioning, I’ll let you ruminate on your own.


The left has been hiding the truth about Biden for the last 3 1/2 years. OK, that doesn’t make their voters dumb, it only leaves them ignorant.

Basically, The Democrat Party has been commiting suicide for the past several years with no one to blame but themselves.

Try being objective. this isn’t a sporting event.

Joe Biden is not under indictment, nor been convicted of a crime or “slut” shaming.

Exactly. Let’s look at the policies and the results. Under Joe the economy is much stronger, the inflation rate is better than the global rate under any other industrialized nation, and the “border issue” is due to Congress killing a bill at the direction of Trump

And as I said before, concentrating on Joe’s cold medicine incident while ignoring the constant delusion and derangement of Trump’s ramblings is the height of inobjectivity.