Onion plants vs onion bulbs

I scored some bunches of onion plants today at the farm store, last two bunches… I’ve never grown the plants before. I have some bulbs too… which never really seem to get very big. I guess the way to get big onions is to grow the small plants instead of the bulbs.

Got some seed potatoes too, the homegrown potatoes are way better than the store.

It’s great out here, was just out digging some more spots up, still a little muddy, saw a few lettuce and pak choi sprouts, found a few huge carrots I missed last year while digging. The soil is soft though and now is the time to dig it up, in a month or two it will be like digging through concrete.

Something is biting the fuck out of me.

I’ve got a Troy Built Pony tiller that’s been sitting in my shed for the past 20 years. I was thinking about trading it for some beef that he raises. I have no need to use the thing back here in the woods.

Add some phosphorus to your onion row about three inches BELOW the planting (bulb or set or seed) and if using sets or bulbs, sprinkle some sulfur into the trench before dropping in the plants.

Thanks! Where do I pick up sulfur at?

That’s what I want, a big OLD rear tine tiller like that. They’re not cheap so don’t give it away.

Front-tillers are a waste of time and money.

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I want something that can get through a tree root… the front ones are more for doing your raised bed or something, not cutting through the sod of a lawn.

check the prices on them before you get rid of it, I’d hold on to it, you might get into gardening or something when you retire and you’ll be saying… I wish I would have kept that damn tiller, they don’t make them like that anymore… well they do but they’ll run you $1500.

Garden supply houses have it. If that fails, VERY diluted (1/200) sulfuric acid will do it.

Or if that’s more excitement than you like, anything to acidify the soil - Miracle Grow makes a product called Miracid that will do it.

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I have some PH down, I think it’s basically some form of sulfuric acid.

Just saw an old Troy-built Horse model with a snow blade attachment advertised down at the grocery store for $650.

I could use one, I have blisters from digging!

A Troy-built Horse, hmm? I wouldn’t accept delivery if I were you…

I never even thought of that. Good call.

That’s always been your Achilles’ heel.


We’ll always have Paris…

I might be a little slow on the uptake, but I do eventually figure it out. And I do figure it out. They say that giving a little thought is a pure sign of genius. :smile:

Don’t hector me.

I planted a bunch of onions today, I just prepped the soil well and stuck them in the ground, I like trying stuff like you’re suggesting but only when I’m more prepared for it. I’ll look for some sulfur etc. and eventually get some, I’ve seen it mentioned for other things too and I know it’s an essential macronutrient I believe it would be called. I heard an interview with the president of Dynagro awhile back and he says what all plants need more than nitrogen, phosphorous or potassium is calcium.

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Go to Hell 'n suck it.
