Planting Tomatoes

This shit in the front yard has to go as well…

What shit? The jungle of freesias or lilies whatever the yellow stuff is, is kinda cool if you like that sort of thing. The white roses too, maybe just clean it up.

I ain’t a fan of those tolarossa junipers tho… but that’s a bad childhood memory thing for me.

You have done well. I like the front yard though.

Mine were just lanky starts a few weeks ago on the left and a couple weeks ago on the right. I think I’m going to have some monsters.

You should chop down those two trees in front of the wood fencing… :smile:

Where’s the weed crop?

I agree but I also respect the beliefs of those who object to providing it for religious reasons. People are free to choose schools or businesses that provide it. Another phony issue.

Suck it up. :grinning:

They ain’t providing shit, the insurance companies are.

They choose the insurance companies, as is their right.

Yeah, I still need to buy a chainsaw. The crop was put on hold for a bit due to issues with the FED’s. I ready now though. I should have some clones rooted this weekend.

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I was just joking about the two trees, I like them and would leave them unless they’ll be cutting into sunlight for your weed crop. lol

But people may use their salaries to purchase things that I disagree with, like condoms or marijuana or conservative politicians, should I reduce their salaries by the amount I predict they will spend on these offensive items?

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I had an HOA tell me to move a tree away from the fence, where teh public area trees were right up against that same fence. There was a guy on the HOA who was pissed that I didn’t like hearing his goddamn music at 2 in the morning and was getting back at me.

My wife says those yellow things are just “river weeds”. The do seem to be drought resistant and maintenance free. Since they aren’t costing me anything in time or money maybe I’ll just let them be. Plus, the wife don’t like them. More reason to keep them.

I’ve chopped those roses down 3 or 4 times now and they just keep coming back twice as thick. Since I don’t care to dig up the roots, they may get a pass too.

Yeah, I can’t seem to kill roses no matter how I neglect or overprune them. Just hack 'em back to about 6-8 inches, just before first frost, and watch them rebound at Springtime.

I’ve got a bunch of roses near the house, they’re kind of cool when a bunch of them are blooming but other than that I dislike them. The bugs seem to be making short order of them this year… I chop mine down every year too, that’s just pruning them lol… You gotta dig them p if you want to get rid of them.

Sucks but isn’t that kind of the way it goes with the HOA type stuff? What were you thinking when you bought into all that lol? Society doesn’t have enough rules and I need a few more? hahahaha

I moved out of there about 2 years after I moved in.

That’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to buy new. All of the new developments involved an HOA. It’s bad enough you’ve got people telling you what you can and can’t do with your own property, but you also get to pay them for that privilege. .

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I know a chick that had a condo in southern california and they had a ton of rules… fuck all that…

I can do about anything I want in my yard short of building permanent structures lol, hell you could probably get away with that in a small town like I used to live in.