Yup. 1400 Scientists are wrong

Probably dark skins. She wants them to have the ability to abort willy nilly. We don’t need any more darkies.

You are two peas in a pod.

Well, from a strictly scientific perspective, the darker skinned races are the least intelligent so it only stands to reason that if any babies are to be killed it should be the dark ones. But that’s science, so…

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They are more likely to lash out in anger than the civilised races. They have no self-control.

I still remember reading in a Lib approved newspaper once how some guy in Africa had 19 children because he wanted to keep his wife pregnant all the time so as other men would keep their hands off of her.

It was not an issue of birth control not being available.

If I could contribute to an organization providing birth control to truly impoverished people I would. People in the US, however, are not being denied birth control. Anybody can afford an IUD or even birth control pills.

Phony issue.

Interesting qualifier. So poor people get to just keep having them.

It’s a medical issue and is probably best covered by medical coverage.

[quote=“Wabbit, post:28, topic:7640”]
nteresting qualifier. So poor people get to just keep having them.

It’s a medical issue and is probably best covered by medical coverage.
[/quote]We are taking about college students and people who have paying jobs.I agree with you to some extent but I also respect the beliefs of those who object to providing it for religious reasons. People are free to choose schools or businesses that provide it. Another phony issue.

Suck it up. :grinning:

I agree but I also respect the beliefs of those who object to providing it for religious reasons. People are free to choose schools or businesses that provide it. Another phony issue.

Suck it up. :grinning:

Employers get to pick and choose what Birth Control they provide or whether they their employee’s policies provide for Birth Control period. Yet you guys don’t bat an eyelash at insurance covering Viagra which we all know is prescribed more often than not just to “enhance” sex. Hypocrite much?

I don’t know anything about Viagra coverage. You seem to be an expert in this matter. :grin:

We should all defer to the Secular Religion of central goobermint control? Why do you always want to submit to Big Gov?

Why do you want to submit to Religious extremism? (someone here whine about “Liberty and Freedom” Are you one of those that think those words mean letting someone else’s take on Religion control your life?

FAIL I haven’t been in a church in over 3 decades. I had that choice.

That’s all I have to say on this subject. I find these political discussions to be a bit boring.

But you’re ok with those that have been in a Church make your decisions for you, alrighty then.

They don’t. I can associate with whomever I choose. End of discussion. :grinning:

Huh? Were you a hippy in the 60’s did you “drop” a lot of acid back then?

Ahh, the “freedom” to restrict other’s options. It’s “persecution” to stop them from persecuting those who think like them!

Trust me, Apey, people like L_R cannot even see the contradiction in their beliefs.

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Refusing to pay for someone else’s sexual behavior is NOT the same as restricting it.

I never said that, you paranoid, “I see racism in everything” moronic fucking pathetic excuse for a human being.

What color are the Duggars? I think they need to be sterilized.


And how!