Putting together a memorial for my wife pulling up her best shots -- Then I found it

Not me man, I would take a few, all the more depending on how badly I want to capture what I think I am seeing, coz hey digital film is cheap. Your lady was just very talented, is all.


My step mom is a hobbist photographer and she’s much the same - either she gets the shot or she doesn’t.

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@WitchKing Would you know how much touching up, photoshopping, colour adjusting, etc, your wife did on her images? I know some photographers who are big on edits and others who let them stand exactly as they are. I was wondering where your wife’s images fit on that spectrum.

Rarely she’d do a touchup in Photoshop but only to lighten or darken and truly slightly. She never farted around with changing color around. Can’t use Photoshop to put something in focus either so it does have limits.

She made some mention to me of a post that was filtered to the hilt on Instagram with thousands of likes and she was sour. Said something about if you needed electronic help with the colors in this world you’re not good to begin with


That’s exactly how I feel. I’m not a fan of digitally altered photos that don’t reflect the reality of the actual image captured.


There’s plenty of good color in this big world. Venice then the bottom two are Istanbul


Case in point, New York City. She could have filtered the fire escapes or the sky or building and given it great colors that aren’t there. OR you could appreciate the colors you DO see along with the real textures.


I totally agree with her. I really dislike those filtered photos with altered colors. They make my skin crawl.



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I noticed I am not seeing any pictures of Brezhnev in her shots.

Never went to Russia and never really expressed an interest in China either

London, again, no color in the world. Photoshop is for trolling and putting other heads on other things.


That’s just … wow! I love it!

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(Sorry, lame attempt at Prague Spring humour)

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2 of Teatro La Fenice, the golden Venice Opera House



(no, Venice, duh!)

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