Ramona Falls, Mt Hood Wilderness Area

I got there around 8am and I drove around some craters in the road that was like you were on the moon to get to the trailhead, but I made it. I had pulled over and was about to not to take my car down the road .2 miles from the trailhead, then I saw someone in a much newer Toyota than mine go for it and I followed along. Didn’t bottom out or anything, it was all good.

There were some cars there already but nearly as full as when I got back to the car. But there was still room, nice sized parking lot, just drive around those huge holes.

This is a popular area and there are plenty of people doing this hike because the waterfall is amazing. I waded across The Sandy River vs tight rope walking a not flat log. I take a pair of Crocs with me for crossing streams like this. I had my full pack with me in case I wanted to camp but there were too many day hikers for me to want to camp, plus it was hot… 80’s.

Part of this is on the PCT Trail and Ramona Falls is like an alternate route of the PCT trail. Too much snow at higher elevations still for PCT hikers yet though.

It was steady uphill getting there but nothing too steep, I went counter clockwise around the loop. Going back was mostly flat and downhill. My Google Fit app clocked 7.8 miles.

This rushing creek runs along the loop part back.

Super clear glacial mountain water


You have been getting some great shots. I like the shots of the water, speeds fast enough to capture detail but slow enough to show some movement.

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Just the default settings on the phone :slight_smile:

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This is what it looked like this morning.



I don’t think that you would see too much difference with a better camera but you would be able to enlarge your pics a lot without their falling apart. You would have some good wall pictures. :clap:

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I can already do that with AI image enlarger. Desktop software too… downloaded it for free from Github.

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I haven’t been processing the pics at all lately.

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Awesome adventure and beautiful scenery.

Be very wary of jumping in the rivers this early, they are COLD.

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It was ice cold and almost up to my knees and moving fast. I think my calves are still cold…


Me and some of my high school buddies would sleep out in a tent at one of my friends homes and there was a small above ground pool. The water got extremely cold and none of us would go in any deeper than mid thigh. lol

This could be totally cool. Display this video on a large screen on a wall in your pad with sound and motion. :slightly_smiling_face:

Gorgeous landscape and pics of it.

How does that work? Even AI can’t create information that isn’t there.

It looks like there may be some roaring rivers duing heavy rains.