Salmon River, Mt Hood Village

So, I have a car now, thank you @Apeman! So I thought I need an easy hike since the long winter has me out of shape. So I checked the weather up on the lower part of the mountain… Mt Hood Village… 63F… perfect…

At first all I found was a lot of paved paths along the river… it was nice but I don’t like the paved path stuff… I want trail… and there were too many people and too many screaming kids.

This topographic model of Mt Hood was neat.

They had a lot of cool benches along the paved path…

Then I found the bridge over the river…

Then on the other side of the bridge I saw some stairs going to a dirt path along the river, so I took the stairs. This was the only bench I saw at the beginning of the path and it looked possibly dangerous to get to.

I found some great spots to chill by the water and smoke weed. It was an amazingly beautiful day.

I think this is the ferns growing new fronds…

The trail was kind of overgrown which I prefer because that means fewer people.

I crossed this little inlet twice without getting my feet wet I don’t know how, following this trail up the river…

Another water spot, someone had been rafting or trying to…

Wildflowers are just starting

I was surprised I didn’t see more fungus along the river but it has probably been kind of cool up there til today.

I followed the trail all the way to the end…

Where there was a little trail to the river.

After getting back to the civilized section of the park I discovered the wetland marsh section… 48lb raccoon lol… that would be a monster lmfao

Stuff about bears lol…

Wetland Marsh

Stump of a big tree


This hike sounds like something that you really needed. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I’m going again today higher up by Gov. Camp. Supposed to be 65 up there. The mountain is super snowy from Portland… I need to get a DSLR camera


I suggest that you get one with mirror lock up, in 52 BC we didn’t have those. Enjoy.

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It looks like you are going for top quality.` If so, you will also need a tripod and an off camera shutter release…for starters. :rofl:

I see these plants all over up there, they’re in the muddy, marshy areas… Skunk Cabbage I guess they’re called and people sell their seeds.

Here’s some in one of my pics… but some areas have a lot of them. I guess bears like to eat them. :bear:

Congratulations on your car.

And great pics as usual.


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I’ll have to smell one sometime, never noticed.

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