Scary... Cougar stalks man for 6 minutes on hiking trail

So, how much time did you spend on flame fora?

What is it nowā€¦15 years?

I sometimes confuse someone elseā€™s idea of fun as my own.

That is a long time. Iā€™ve been trollish for since 2007, but not really on any flame fora.

Anything that looks like a flame is me being an asshole.

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You are one of my favourite posters ever, and I can say that loud and proud. I always didā€¦however I will have to wait until P, or C reads this to discover if my Pā€™s and Qā€™s are acceptable.

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Thank you. Itā€™s about time I was someoneā€™s favorite.

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Never ever understood that lass. Never.

You donā€™t see what I do?

I scare people off, they think Iā€™m too nasty when I get my dander up.

Jesus, they are right, I have seen you at full throttle, and you can keep calm while pressing the accelerator to the floor.

A rare talent.

Iā€™ve been told by several people that The Wise and The Powerful wonā€™t join a forum if Iā€™m there. :rofl:

He doesnā€™t join a forumā€¦he infects it!

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He must be 100ā€¦and looks 200. He hates me with a passionā€¦lmfao

And well, that tickles me. Mostly because I only feel amused by him. I donā€™t even recall kicking him in the ass.


If you turn around three times really fast until you are dizzy, urinate on yourself and spit up in the air and catch the same spittle as gravity brings it back to its source outlet, while whistling Dixie and hopping up and down on your bare naked breasts you can understand what TWAP means.

Anyone can!

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omgā€¦buaaa hahahahaha

Is he really as old as I think or did his chronic constipation make his hair go grey?

My hair is grey, so that be no measure of manly virility.

I am not talking about virility. He was born without.

Iā€™m talking about how decrepit he looks. And slovenly. Come to think of it, I donā€™t think he has much hair, it was his beard I saw.

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I like liking and judging virility, it makes me feel virile.

Macho Man by the Village People addresses this tendency.

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Yes, it probably does, and I am now going to look that up on YouTube.

Sometimes pieces just fall into place Oak. Will be back in 5 minutes.