So, UFOs ARE real

Two pilots on different aircraft reported having close encounters with a mysterious object flying high above Arizona last month, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

The sightings occurred within minutes of each other on the afternoon of Feb. 24, some 40,000 feet above southern Arizona near the New Mexico border. ABC News obtained the audio recording of the conversation between the pilots and the Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center, released by the FAA.

The FAA is letting us in on it now. I wonder why.

Area 51 - how much closer cud you get

this happens every day by the way or near every day

Did they get a speed check

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I’m sure it happens a lot. But why do you think the FAA is releasing this info now?

I read somewhere that the powers that be decided they needed to start cluing us in little by little because they just can’t keep covering it up.

I used to sit outside at night and smoke cigs and watch the sky back where I lived where it was more rural and darker. I’ve seen all kinds of shit, a lot of it is there all the time you just don’t notice it… fucking weird shit too, all of it probably gov. high tech bs.

A lot of it is government BS, no doubt. But I believe there is alien shit out there, too. That belief is based on this government guy who ran Project Blue Book (which kept track of and investigated UFO sightings) and who claimed there are, indeed, UFOs that don’t belong to the guv.

Gott dam, now wouldn’t that make one heck of a trophy, to have an Alien head mounted over yer river rock fireplace.

Like anyone capable inter galaxy travel would come here


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We are being slowly being prepared for their return.
…for the future we are preparing for ourselves.

Ancient Aliens

They might come here on a mercy mission, to put us out of our misery. Did you ever think of that?

They would come for the planet itself.

Interstellar space travel is nearly impossibly difficult, except for killer meteors.:slightly_smiling_face:

Interestingly, there are an estimated 2 Trillion galaxies in the known universe and an estimated 2 Billion stars in each galaxy, yet we are unlikely to get any closer any time soon than with an advanced telescope.

My own scenario is different. They are like gardeners in a greenhouse, and Earth is like a fruit on a small tree in a far corner of that greenhouse. They have been coming around more of late to study the moldy excrescence that we’ve produced on the skin of that fruit, while they debate whether to just pluck the fruit and ashcan it…or prune the tree… or just get the Flit gun and spray it with DDT before it contaminates other life forms in that corner.

In another scenario, they might just kill everything and let it re-constitute itself for several millennia before they remodel.

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I want to believe.
X-Files marathon this w/e - BBCAHD

The Truth is Out There - Trust No One



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