The Debate

I agree, Forbes has an article that looks at all his debt and it’s $1.1 billion dollars. He’s not leaving of his own accord.

We will experience violence in America in November, if not sooner. I mourn for our country that may already be lost.

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I think his dumb supporters will be very sorry if they try to strongarm the election. And I really doubt if they’d have the balls to anyways, they’re just like their hero… loudmouths… all talk no action.

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I hope you’re right. I pray that you are actually.

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Maybe we can mute it when he speaks too.


I am going to reply to that very point tomorrow Cindy, as it was brought up to me by P. I wanted to wait until after the debate, to make a full and frank response. Not that I am suggesting that anyone is waiting for it, merely that P took the time to repost the article and asked for my opinion.

I genuinely think though, there are troubles ahead, not just for America, but the ramifications in Europe.

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If one may ask, where in Europe are you?


I am finding it hilarious that Trump is now shittweeting at Matthews for his inability to moderate Trump’s unhinged ass.


Do you mean Wallace?

I did. Sorry, brain fart.

So you are spouting off on something you ADMIT you don’t know about.

This brings a lot of your past tr0alls into perspective.

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But I did know, I just confused one Chris with another. No lack of research involved.

Admirable try

How does one immigrate there?

Asking for a friend.



One can dream :frowning:


Not really. :grinning:

I was fairly sure what you meant, but chose to confirm.

Jo Jorgensen’s website went down due to soo much traffic following the debate.


Thank the gods, we have you to stand in the gap so we get the freshest talking points straight from the horse’s ass.

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